~ Experiences, Projects & Jottings of Painter Jan Clizer, Specialist Painter of Scottish & Celtic Music Subject Matter ~

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Auction Block....

  Such a busy summer, and my participation in favourite art fairs and highland games is at an all-time low.  Needs must.  The 'auld wrinklies' require time and attention daily, which doesn't mesh well with 'getting my work to the people.'  Hence a timid adventure into the world of ebay auctions a la Duane Kaiser's Painting A Day

  My current hectic schedule barely allows for a half day of painting per week, but that's still something!  So "Standing Stones, Calanais" is up for auction.  Why not throw in a bid just for laughs?

one of This Week's Painting(s). . . .
Standing Stones, Calanais (Isle of Lewis)  6"x4" Gallery Wrap
Click to Bid

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